Saturday, December 1, 2018

FDL Method: 3rd December vulnerable regions

Using our FDL research  prediction method calendars, we see that the following countries, are candidates and maybe vulnerable to receiving earthquakes tomorrow 3rd December 2018. The list is not conclusive of course as we sample a few countries.

  • Italy [38N, 15E],[40N, 17.5E]
  • Oklahoma [36.1N, 97.8W], [36.1N, 101W]
  • Papua New Guinea [8S, 146E, 148E], [10S, 148E], [5.5S, 150E]
  • Greece [38N, 21E], [40N, 21E], and finally unlikely but here it is [38N, 25E]
  • Peru [18S, 71W]
  • Instabul [41N, 29E] yes there is some increase here of stress, lets hope it is not enough to trigger.
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