Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Which Countries Tomorrow? (29th August 2018)

Tomorrow 29th August is a day where MARS is slowly getting direct from station,  and Mercury seshquisquare Saturn.
We are lucky that Mars and the Node differ by a degree otherwise we would be in for >7R. Using our research and published prediction calendars, we see that the following countries, are candidates and maybe vulnerable to receiving earthquakes tomorrow 29th August. The list is not conclusive of course as we sample a few countries.

  • Tonga   [19S, 175W], [25S, 175W]
  • Alaska   [62N,147W]
  • Ecuador  [1.7S, 80.7W]
  • Italy  [42N, 14.5E]
  • Mexico   [25N, 108W], [18N, 103.5W]
  • Solomon Islands  small event
  • Tonga small event
  • Bosphorus  [42N, 33E]

You can read about our methodology here.


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