Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 2018: Notable Planetary Considerations

Date: 1st July 2018
Period Covered: 1st -31th  July 2018

This is our SIXTEENTH brief  bulletin covering the period of 1st-31th July 2018 covering a summary of all the predictions already published but they are being brought together in this bulletin.

July  is going to be a busy month earthquake, with the most notables being TWO ECLIPSES taking place astronomically. One is on 13th July, a partial Solar Eclipse and a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse on 27-28th July . There are plenty of forces to consider when trying to use them in predicting earthquakes. This month as far as events and aspects are the following:

Let us start listing the following notables during this period.


1st July 2018 Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn, , 
2nd July 2018 Mercury  quincunx Saturn,
3rd July 2018  Mercury  conjunction  True Node  
4th July 2018  Mercury  conjunction  True Node , Moon sequisq station Chiron,
                          CHIRON STATION, Venus quincunx Moon

5th July 2018  Sun trine Jupiter, Mercury  opposition Mars, Saturn square Moon, Moon
             conjunct Chiron
6th July 2018  MOON SQUARE SUN, Jupiter at max North declination, aphelion
7th July 2018  Venus quinc. Black Moon
8th July 2018   Sun trine Neptune, Moon opposite Jupiter
9th July 2018   Mercury square   Jupiter
10th July 2018   Moon trine Pluto, JUPITER STATION(direct), Jupiter sesquisq. Chiron,
                        Pluto Perigee.
11th July 2018  Venus  trine Uranus , Venus apogee, Moon quinc.Bl.moon, JUPITER STATION
12th July 2018  Venus Virgo quincunx Chiron, Mercury quincunx Neptune, Sun  opp. Pluto,
                              Mercury at max elongation, Venus trine Uranus,
13th July 2018 Mercury sesquiquadrate Chiron, New MOON conj SUN, Lunar Perigee S.ECLIPSE
14th July 2018  Venus  trine Saturn  Mercury sesqui. Chiron, Moon conj. N Node
15th July 2018  Lunar APOGEE,  Mercury quinc.Pluto,
16th July 2018  Venus  quincunx Mars, Moon great. S. Declin.
17th July 2018   
18th July 2018 
19th July 2018  Mercury gr.south. declination, SUN SQUARE MOON
20th July 2018  Mars  opposition True Node , Saturn quintile Neptune
21th July 2018 
22th July 2018  Venus sextile Jupiter
23th July 2018  Sun  sesquiquadrate Neptune
24th July 2018 Venus opposition Neptune
25th July 2018 Sun  trine Chiron, Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus, MERCURY RETROGRADE
26th July 2018  Sun  quincunx Saturn
27th July 2018  Sun  opposition Mars, Lunar APOGEE
28th July 2018  Mars  semi-sextile  Saturn, Sun  conjunction  True Node,
                             MOON Oppos.SUN L.ECLIPSE
29th July 2018  Venus semi-square  True Node
30th July 2018 Mercury semi-sextile  Venus, Sun  semi-square  Venus
31st July 2018 


ALL MONTH we have present the aspects as a Background.
During the whole month, we will have Uranus semisextile Chiron.
The location of the planets at the beginning and at the end of July are shown below;

The EARTH related only heliocentric aspects are listed below:

1st July 2018
2nd July 2018 Venus opposite Uranus, Mars conjunct Pluto
3rd July 2018    Mercury opposite Uranus, Mercury quincunx Chiron,
                         Merc. Sesquisq.Neptune
4th July 2018 
5th July 2018     Saturn sextile Mercury
6th July 2018     EARTH sextile Neptune, Saturn sextile Venus
7th July 2018     Jupiter sextile Mars
8th July 2018     Mercury TRINE Neptune Mercury sesquisquare Chiron
9th July 2018     EARTH Sextile Mercury, Jupiter sextile Mars
10th July 2018   Mercury sextile Pluto
11th July 2018 
12th July 2018  Venus Trine Neptune Venus sesquisq. Chiron
13th July 2018  Mercury Trine Black Moon, Mercury quincunx Uranus
14th July 2018 
15th July 2018  Earth sextile Jupiter
16th July 2018  Venus sextile Pluto
17th July 2018 
18th July 2018  Mars SQUARE Uranus
19th July 2018  Mars SQUARE Uranus, EARTH sextile Venus,
                         Mercury SQUARE Neptune
20th July 2018  EARTH sextile Venus, Mars SQUARE Uranus
21th July 2018  EARTH and Mars SQUARE URANUS Venus sextile Earth and Mars
22th July 2018  Venus Trine Black Moon, EARTH sextile Chiron and Black Moon
23th July 2018  EARTH sextile Chiron
24th July 2018  Mercury Square Chiron, Mercury sextile Uranus
25th July 2018  Earth sextile Mercury
26th July 2018  EARTH conjunct MARS
27th July 2018  EARTH conjunct MARS
28th July 2018  EARTH conjunct MARS, Mercury conjunct Vesta
29th July 2018
30th July 2018 Venus sesquisq. Uranus
31st July 2018  Venus square Neptune

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