Monday, July 9, 2018

Important Future Planetary Alignments

The above is a notable Earth-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn alignment to come on 16th April 2020. This is so rare that it certain not to take place in someones lifetime twice. However the earth here has on ONE side all the heavyweight planets.If we look at this from the earth's point of view the next chart  shows the Sun is square Jupiter and Pluto as one of the major aspects of the day.

Above is another important one, on 13th May 2030 where we have Saturn-Mars-Sun-Earth-Jupiter all aligned. Again a rare alignment and here the earth is between the sun and Jupiter, but the Sun is heavily being pulled by Mars and Saturn on the other side.  I would dare say significant earthquakes may well occur n or around those dates. A Geostationary view below shows that on the day we have Jupiter opposing the Sun and Mars, Uranus conjunct South Node, Saturn conjunct Black Moon, Chiron Square Pluto being the more significant aspects of the day.

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