Monday, September 4, 2017

Sun Today

Sunspot AR2674 has a "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares.

The sunspot 2674 has taken a center position on the sun, as can be seen in image curtsey of SDO/HMI. New regions 2676 and 2677 have emerged increasing the  daily solar flux to high levels.



Over the past 24 hours solar activity remained low beside the number of
regions with potential activity. The Catania group 47 (NOAA region 2674)
produced several B and C-class flares. Although Catania group 43 (NOAA
region 2672) had already rotated around the west solar limb, it produced
the largest flare at 15:41 UT on September 2, which was a C7.7-class flare
associated with a CME and a type II burst. The CME is not expected to be
geoeffective as it erupted from the west solar limb. We expected a
probability of C-class flare with possibly the occurrence of an M-class
flare, particularly coming from the Catania group 47 (NOAA region 2674).

No Earth directed Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) have been detected in the
available coronagraph imagery and the solar protons remains at background

The Earth remained in the fast solar wind. The speed has slowly decreased
from 600 to about 500 Km/s. The interplanetary magnetic field magnitude
stabilized around 4 nT, and the Bz component was fluctuating between -5 and
2 nT for the second day being mainly negative. No signature from the
glancing glow CME (detected on August 28 at 17:12 UT on LASCO-C2) was
observed in the Solar wind data. We expect the solar wind to gradually
return to nominal levels by September 4.

The geomagnetic conditions varied between unsettled to quiet conditions
with K-Dourbes and Kp-NOAA ranging between 1 and 3. As the solar speed is
currently decreasing, we expect the geomagnetic conditions to return to
quite condition.

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