Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sunspots and Kp Index

The sun today, 22April 2017, where we can see the Sunspot regions 2651 and 2653.
:Solar_Region_Summary: 2017 Apr 21
# Region   Location         Sunspot Characteristics
#           Helio                      Spot  Spot  Mag.
# Num   Lat.,CMD  Long.  Area  Extent  class count class
 2651    N12E30     71    130     5     CAO    7      B
 2652    N13E45     56     10     1     HRX    1      A
 2653    S09E82     19     40     2     HAX    1      A
A - Alpha (single polarity spot).

B - Beta (bipolar spot configuration).

G - Gamma (atypical mixture of polarities).

BG - Beta-Gamma (mixture of polarities in a dominantly bipolar configuration).

D - Delta (opposite polarity umbrae within single penumbra).

BD - Beta with a Delta configuration.

BGD - Beta-Gamma with a Delta configuration. 

A moderate (G2) geomagnetic storm is currently in progress thanks to a high speed solar wind stream above 700 km/s. More storming is expected over the next several days as a coronal hole stream rattles our geomagnetic field. Sky watchers at middle to high latitudes should be alert for visible aurora during the next several nights.

ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 6
Threshold Reached: 2017 Apr 22 0559 UTC
Synoptic Period: 0300-0600 UTC
Active Warning: Yes
NOAA Scale: G2 - Moderate

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