Metro Vancouver businesses must prepare for big earthquake: expert
Businesses in Greater Vancouver must prepare for a major earthquake,
including seismically improving their physical assets, a risk consultant
from Los Angeles told a Greater Vancouver Board of Trade business forum
on Friday.
Businesses and communities that have not prepared or undertaken the
proper building and infrastructure improvements will face devastating
economic losses that could last for decades when a major earthquake
hits, said Alex Yanev, a principal with EQE Consulting, a pioneering
California firm that specializes in risk management in the private and
public sectors.
He noted that in 1995 a state-of-the-art port was destroyed in Kobe,
Japan following a 6.9 magnitude earthquake, even though Japan is one of
the most earthquake-prepared countries in the world.
“They lost their entire market share to Tokyo and other ports in
other countries. And that city and that port never recovered. … You
can’t allow that scenario to happen here. You can’t afford it,” he told
an audience of about 150.
Yanev characterized Greater Vancouver as “arguably” at highest risk from a major earthquake of any city in North America.
In an interview, Yanev said that’s because the earthquake risk has
only been recognized recently — 15 years ago or so — and as a result 95
per cent of the buildings were not built with consideration of that
That is unlike cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, where
seismic upgrades to existing buildings have taken place since the 1980s,
though even in those cities more needs to be done, he said.
Canadian scientists have estimated a 30 per cent probability of a
major earthquake hitting a populated area in southwestern B.C. within
the next 50 years.
That risk comes from the so-called “Big One,” a slippage of tectonic
plates of the B.C. coast, but also from shallow and deep earthquakes on
A woman searches through the ashes of what once was her neighbourhood in
Kobe, Japan, on Jan. 21 1995, in the aftermath of the devastating 6.9
magnitude earthquake.Jonathon Utz /
AFP/Getty Images files
Yanev said businesses can be proactive in identifying risks and
taking action, including upgrading their buildings and other
But he stressed that governments, including at the state (provincial)
level, must help incentivize these upgrades, perhaps with tax relief.
That’s because if some business owners carry out seismic upgrades and
others do not, the economic disruption will still be significant, said
An investigation by Postmedia News, published in 2016, revealed the
City of Vancouver had failed to create a proactive plan to reduce the
seismic hazard of the city’s older private buildings despite identifying
a need to do so more than two decades ago.
Of more than 1,100 buildings included in a seismic risk assessment by
the City of Vancouver in 1994, hundreds appeared to have had no
seismic upgrades, the Postmedia News examination also discovered.
Those buildings include brick apartments that provide rooms to the
city’s poorest on the Downtown Eastside, but also apartments in the West
End, Chinatown and Gastown, and offices in other parts of the downtown.
The B.C. government has acknowledged that upgrading the existing
building infrastructure is a concern. However, it has been reluctant to
take a leadership role on the issue.
On Friday, Naomi Yamamoto, minister of state for emergency
preparedness, in her last speaking engagement before the May 9 election
campaign begins said an incentive program in Victoria is a model worth
However, the city tax-incentive program, available exclusively to
heritage buildings, has only seen 43 buildings seismically upgraded, an
average of three a year.
In introductory remarks, Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
vice-president David Crawford said natural disasters including
earthquakes and floods would not only cripple businesses and the local
economy, but the economy of Canada.
“Twenty per per cent of Canada’s economy goes through Canada’s
Pacific Gateway, the infrastructure that culminates in the Port of
Vancouver,” said Crawford.
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