Japan has not had a 6R event since 21-November 2016 and a 5.5R not before 23-November 2016. So it has quieten a lot. We are now entering a new vulnerability period. Over the next few days it is quite possible to get a strong event. Our method shows a peak on 23rd December, but it is possible to get preamble shakes before then. So be alert be safe and keep smiling!
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Magnitude mb 4.8
Date time 2016-12-21 11:34:14.9 UTC
Location 29.12 N ; 129.46 E
Depth 30 km
Distances 506 km S of Fukuoka-shi, Japan / pop: 1,393,000 / local time: 20:34:14.9 2016-12-21
290 km S of Kagoshima-shi, Japan / pop: 556,000 / local time: 20:34:14.9 2016-12-21
84 km N of Naze, Japan / pop: 41,400 / local time: 20:34:14.9 2016-12-21