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- Vanuatu
Not quite the right lat. but ok the long. The time not bad. But we know why..
ReplyDeleteMagnitude mb 4.7
Date time 2016-10-27 21:53:59.2 UTC
Location 13.18 S ; 167.10 E
Depth 205 km
Distances 521 km N of Port-Vila, Vanuatu / pop: 36,000 / local time: 08:53:59.2 2016-10-28
260 km N of Luganville, Vanuatu / pop: 13,400 / local time: 08:53:59.2 2016-10-28
92 km NW of Sola, Vanuatu / pop: 1,200 / local time: 08:53:59.2 2016-10-28