A 3
million-year-old Pliocene diatom fossil (Thalassiosira vulnifica), about 1/25th
of a millimeter across, magnified more than 1,000 times, as seen in an optical
microscope. Credit: Reed Scherer, Northern Illinois University
Tiny ocean fossils distributed widely across rock surfaces in the
Transantarctic Mountains point to the potential for a substantial rise in
global sea levels under conditions of continued global warming, according to a
new study.
The study, led by Northern Illinois University geologist Reed Scherer,
indicates the massive East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) has a history of
instability during ancient warm periods and could be vulnerable to significant retreat and partial collapse
induced by future climate change. The EAIS is the world's largest ice sheet and most
significant player in potential sea-level rise.
The evidence is in the microscopic ocean fossils, known as diatoms, the
researchers say.
For decades, scientists have been embroiled in a heated debate over how the
diatoms, which were first discovered in the 1980s, became incorporated into the
"Sirius Group," a series of glacial sedimentary rocks exposed along
the Transantarctic Mountains.
Sirius Group exposures near Mt. Fleming, Antarctica, circa 1986. The pattern of snow behind rocks shows the prevailing winds across the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Credit: Reed Scherer, Northern Illinois University
One group of scientists argued that the diatoms accumulated in a marine
basin after ice sheet retreat and later, after it got much colder, were moved
by the growing glaciers to the mountains. This interpretation suggested a
dramatic retreat of the ice sheet between 3 million and 4.5 million years ago,
during warm periods of the Pliocene Epoch. But other scientists contended the
ice sheet remained stable for at least the past 5 million years, arguing that
the diatoms were carried by the wind and deposited atop older sediments.

An electron-microscope
image of diatom-rich sediment magnified more than 3,000 times,
illustrating fine structures that promote being lifted and carried as
dust in the wind. Credit: Reed Scherer, Northern Illinois University
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
electron-microscope image of diatom-rich sediment magnified more than 3,000
times, illustrating fine structures that promote being lifted and carried as
dust in the wind. Credit: Reed Scherer, Northern Illinois University
The new study, published Sept. 20, in Nature Communications,
suggests that both sides were partially right and partially wrong—the ice sheet
did retreat, and the wind did carry the diatoms.
Using sophisticated ice sheet and climate models, Scherer and colleagues
found the ice sheet experienced a series of retreats and re-advances during the
Pliocene warm periods, but the retreats were not as dramatic as some scientists
earlier suggested. They were significant enough to uncover bays of open
seawater in the Aurora and Wilkes basins, with conditions ripe for production
of copious amounts of plankton diatoms.
But the retreat removed the weight of the ice, allowing previously
submerged land strewn with diatoms to rise above sea level over the next few
thousand years. Cyclonic winds then sent plumes of diatoms airborne, depositing
them across the Transantarctic Mountains.
"The computer models indicate that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
retreated during the Pliocene by some 300 miles into the interior of East
Antarctica," Scherer said, adding that most of the West Antarctic Ice
Sheet also disappeared. "So our findings indicate the Sirius diatoms were
windblown, but they came from areas of reduced ice in East Antarctica, where
extensive diatom-rich lands
became exposed to the air."
The Antarctic ice cap holds
the majority of the world's fresh water, and a substantial melting and retreat
of the ice sheet in the future would result in raised sea levels, with
devastating consequences for the world's coastal regions. The new study,
published Sept. 20, in Nature Communications, suggests that both sides
were partially right and partially wrong—the ice sheet did retreat, and the
wind did carry the diatoms.
Using sophisticated ice sheet and climate models, Scherer and colleagues
found the ice sheet experienced a series of retreats and re-advances during the
Pliocene warm periods, but the retreats were not as dramatic as some scientists
earlier suggested. They were significant enough to uncover bays of open
seawater in the Aurora and Wilkes basins, with conditions ripe for production
of copious amounts of plankton diatoms.
But the retreat removed the weight of the ice, allowing previously
submerged land strewn with diatoms to rise above sea level over the next few
thousand years. Cyclonic winds then sent plumes of diatoms airborne, depositing
them across the Transantarctic Mountains.
"The computer models indicate that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
retreated during the Pliocene by some 300 miles into the interior of East
Antarctica," Scherer said, adding that most of the West Antarctic Ice
Sheet also disappeared. "So our findings indicate the Sirius diatoms were
windblown, but they came from areas of reduced ice in East Antarctica, where
extensive diatom-rich lands
became exposed to the air."
The Antarctic ice cap holds the majority of the world's fresh water, and a
substantial melting and retreat of the ice sheet in the future would result in
raised sea levels, with devastating consequences for the world's coastal
"This latest work, together with other recent ice sheet modeling
studies by DeConto and Pollard, clearly demonstrates the sensitivity of modern
ice sheets to warming," Scherer said. "No model is ever perfect, but
these scientists use sophisticated physics and the latest data to produce
atmospheric and ice models that are truly state-of-the-art, providing a picture
of the past and glimpse into our future."
Noted climate scientist Richard Alley, also of Penn State, rounds out the
author list on the Nature Communications publication.
"This is another piece of a jigsaw puzzle that the community is
rapidly putting together, and which appears to show that the ice sheets are
more sensitive to warming than we had hoped," Alley said. "If humans
continue to warm the climate, we are likely to commit to large and perhaps
rapid sea-level rise that could be very costly. No one piece of the puzzle
shows this, but as they fit together, the picture is becoming clearer."
The study, led by
Northern Illinois University geologist Reed Scherer, indicates the
massive East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) has a history of instability
during ancient warm periods
and could be vulnerable to significant retreat and partial collapse
induced by future climate change. The EAIS is the world's largest ice sheet and most significant player in potential sea-level rise.
The evidence is in the microscopic ocean fossils, known as diatoms, the researchers say.
For decades, scientists have been embroiled in a heated debate over how the diatoms, which were first discovered in the 1980s, became incorporated into the "Sirius Group," a series of glacial sedimentary rocks exposed along the Transantarctic Mountains.
One group of scientists argued that the diatoms accumulated in a marine basin after ice sheet retreat and later, after it got much colder, were moved by the growing glaciers to the mountains. This interpretation suggested a dramatic retreat of the ice sheet between 3 million and 4.5 million years ago, during warm periods of the Pliocene Epoch. But other scientists contended the ice sheet remained stable for at least th
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
The evidence is in the microscopic ocean fossils, known as diatoms, the researchers say.
For decades, scientists have been embroiled in a heated debate over how the diatoms, which were first discovered in the 1980s, became incorporated into the "Sirius Group," a series of glacial sedimentary rocks exposed along the Transantarctic Mountains.
One group of scientists argued that the diatoms accumulated in a marine basin after ice sheet retreat and later, after it got much colder, were moved by the growing glaciers to the mountains. This interpretation suggested a dramatic retreat of the ice sheet between 3 million and 4.5 million years ago, during warm periods of the Pliocene Epoch. But other scientists contended the ice sheet remained stable for at least th
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Tiny ocean fossils
distributed widely across rock surfaces in the Transantarctic Mountains
point to the potential for a substantial rise in global sea levels under
conditions of continued global warming, according to a new study.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Tiny ocean fossils
distributed widely across rock surfaces in the Transantarctic Mountains
point to the potential for a substantial rise in global sea levels under
conditions of continued global warming, according to a new study.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Tiny ocean fossils
distributed widely across rock surfaces in the Transantarctic Mountains
point to the potential for a substantial rise in global sea levels under
conditions of continued global warming, according to a new study.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Tiny ocean fossils
distributed widely across rock surfaces in the Transantarctic Mountains
point to the potential for a substantial rise in global sea levels under
conditions of continued global warming, according to a new study.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-09-scientists-ocean-fossils-mountains-future.html#jCp
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