Thursday, September 15, 2016

Planets today

Our Big Brothers above, Our Planets, if we try to find them we will observe the following:
The Sun has just passed a conjunction with Mercury happy to be in his house but with negative view as he is retrograde from us. The Sun is opposite Chiron today and this should give extra stresses in Nepal! Yes Nepal and Mexico! This opposition is also square to Mars! This is a perfect square today. The whole system looks very balanced. The Sun is also being seen via quincunx by Uranus and this will last to tomorrow. This looks like Uranus is pushing the Sun to imbalance this T-Square. However the Sun will gradually leve this set piece tomorrow anyway. Uranus is also semi-sextil to chiron, and this adds to those mentioned countries further stresses.
Of course we still have and are under the influence os Saturn-Neptune Square. If it was not for Neptune being Retro, this aspect I would say should have been full of controlled innovations. Now it looks like inhibition more likely.

Be Safe Be Good!

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