Wednesday, September 7, 2016

5.1R in Indonesia<---As Predicted

A quite strong 5.1R earthquake came in Indonesia this afternoon. 67km E of Palu. More time details see below. We also below show our published September Indonesia Calendar. We can see our methods have produced on today's date a strong peak which indicates we are spot on on this event, as expected.


mb 5.1
Date time2016-09-07 14:32:42.2 UTC
Location0.95 S ; 120.47 E
Depth40 km
Distances478 km N of Makassar, Indonesia / pop: 1,322,000 / local time: 22:32:42.2 2016-09-07
67 km E of Palu, Indonesia / pop: 283,000 / local time: 22:32:42.2 2016-09-07
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