Thursday, June 30, 2016

Philippines: Earthquake Predictions for July 2016

It is the first time to our knowledge that a published research-based technique is used as a systematic predicting tool for earthquakes. Our methods are experimental hence we test them in real time and we will be publishing our predictions regularly. Please note the disclaimer at the end. We expect an accuracy for the prediction of +-1 day from the peak date shown in the calendar In the following diagram we can see Philippines Earthquake predictions for July 2016. For this period we observe that there is a High Probability for a >4R in Philippines. See the peaks in the diagram -  The key dates are on 6th and 21st and 25th and July 2016. Other dates of importance can be seen in the calendar below:
The probability Scales are as follows:
*SMALL (<40%) MEDIUM (40-60%) and HIGH (>60%)

You can read our methodology here.

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