Saturday, May 14, 2016

Stressy Days Ahead.

A brief run through our calendars of predictions we can give you a summary of what we expect over the next 2 days.

  • Papua New Guinea      17th May  (Edited)
  • Greece                          17th May (Zantes/Peloponnese)
  • New Zealand                15/16th 
  • Mexico                          15th
  • Japan                            16th and 19th
  • Nepal                            16th
  • China                             16th/17th
  • Philippines                      16th
  • Br. Columbia                  17th
You can read our methodology here.

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  1. Hey there!! I see you have a prediction for British Columbia on the 17th! Do you have any estimation as to the possible size and is this along Cascadia? Or inland? Just curious 😀 thanks lots!

  2. Italy tomorrow, 16th May. 3.5-4.5R

  3. About Br. Columbia, no I have not done detailed analysis on co-ordinates.. I did not have time.

  4. Italy tomorrow? You mean you worry about Greece ....really?
