Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Isil 'sets off earthquake by blowing up major gas field' in Syria

Islamic State jihadists were last night reported to have blown up a major gas field in eastern Syria, setting off a minor earthquake in nearby Palmyra.
The Syrian regime has been fighting Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant north of Palmyra, since it retook the town with the help of Russian air strikes and Iranian-supplied militias in March.
The Shaer oil-fields 30 miles to the north have changed hands a number of times recently, but as the regime attacked on Monday a series of major explosions was heard.

A 4.4 magnitude earthquake reported near Palmyra. Looks like has wiped the entire Shaer & not only the Gas fields..
 accounts celebrate the news of blowing up entire Shaer gas fields on this hashtag since few hours ago: 
This seemed to coincide with reports of a 4.4 Richter scale earthquake around Palmyra.
It was unclear exactly what had caused the explosion, but the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the war from London, said that the jihadists had blown up the field’s pumping stations.
Pro-Isil social media celebrated the explosions, saying they had prevented the “enemy” exploiting what its fighters could not.
Photographs also posted online showed what were claimed to beRussian military advisers along with Russian-supplied tanks near the front line at Shaer.

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Siria este de palmyra campo de gas shaer fuerzas sirias en conjunto con asesores rusos dan duro golpe a yihadistas

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