Friday, May 13, 2016

A DOUBLE 5.4R in Pakistan---->As Predicted

I was worrying about Pakistan and spoke to a few people about it, but here is our prediction just in case people are interested to see them. There have been reported TWO 5.4R earthquakes in the same epicentre.
Magnitudemb 5.4
Date time2016-05-13 06:59:33.4 UTC
Location30.74 N ; 66.52 E
Depth20 km
Distances480 km W of Multān, Pakistan / pop: 1,437,230 / local time: 11:59:33.4 2016-05-13
76 km NW of Quetta, Pakistan / pop: 733,675 / local time: 11:59:33.4 2016-05-13
49 km W of Pishin, Pakistan / pop: 24,239 / local time: 11:59:33.4 2016-05-13
21 km S of Chaman, Pakistan / pop: 88,568 / local time: 11:59:33.4 2016-05-13
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