Thursday, May 26, 2016

5.2 R in Nicaragua!

We have not done predictions for Nicaragua but it is the strongest so far of the day. Note that we also have global events daily calendars for the month of the year. Those global event charts are for >6R events predicted somewhere throughout the globe for the specific month days shown. Sometimes the global strong earthquake falls on a country for which we have already a monthly prediction calendar, so we can see if both dates the global and the monthly of the specific country dates agree. So There is a good peak today, so we expect >6.5R today or latests tomorrow morning.

Magnitudemb 5.2
Date time2016-05-26 01:02:35.9 UTC
Location11.44 N ; 85.79 W
Depth200 km
Distances92 km SE of Managua, Nicaragua / pop: 973,087 / local time: 19:02:35.9 2016-05-25
4 km E of Rivas, Nicaragua / pop: 30,293 / local time: 19:02:35.9 2016-05-25
2 km SE of San Jorge, Nicaragua / pop: 7,158 / local time: 19:02:35.9 2016-05-25
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