Monday, April 11, 2016

To Be or Not To Be ---> 11th April Post Mortem Results

I made it public we are working on a LOCATION PREDICTOR system for earthquakes which is better than the regional one we have. As you know we predict Global, Countries, and Regions, based on the well known unique and pioneering FDL Method. We want to make improvemnets and be able to offer earthquake locations predicted as we do already with accuracy on the dates, to be able to locate and pinpoint where it is going to happen. I mentioned that it was early days and preliminary posts were given on April 9th in the post  there for the 11th April. On 9th April we gave you a post called To Be or Not To Be --->11th April 2016!  You can check it and see we predicted a few events for today. Below is what we said. The Table above at the top is a comparison on the very few first results. The accuracy on some is amazing.
......we hope to give you more in due course......
It seems we now have a complementary method and we can also predict pinpoint location as well...We will improve it ....I know.!  (You can appreciate we are very happy on progress :) :)  )

1) Indonesia: See our earthquake calendar, but a possible place is 9S 107E  (Pluto-Uranus are bothering Indonesia)

2) Vanuatu:  I thought it would be Solomon Islands but no it seems Vanuatu is better fit. 14S 166E is also a possible place. ( Jupiter Vesta are the culpits here)

3) ALASKA:  South of Nikolski (51.53N 170.3W)  Here Sun -South Node are possible combination and could possibly cause jolts.

4) New Zealand:  Well this has been a quiet place for a while. Pluto and North Node bother NZ recently. Actually it is also Chiron too. It is not a single place only where it is possible to get some smallish event there on the 11th. I will not give co-ordinates here.

5) Nepal: Well Nepal is also possible for a jolt on the 11th theoretically. It is not so easy to get an earthquake on the 11th but it is possible. Saturn is lurking over India. I could make a possible location 28.9N 82.52E but it is not for sure. Time will tell... It is TOO SOON to be sure about the exact locations on all the above.....So do not take this seriously until we check it backwards but we need some time for it......Be Happy Be Safe Be Good!
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