Thursday, April 21, 2016

Square Enix Donates $457,000 to Japanese Earthquake Relief Effort

Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider publisher Square Enix has made a sizable donation to support the relief efforts for the deadly earthquakes that occurred in southern Japan this month.
The company said today it "extends its deepest sympathies and condolences" to everyone affected by the natural disaster. It has made a donation of ¥50 million ($457,000) to the Japan Red Cross Society with the hope that the money can be used to help "support the earliest possible relief and recovery of affected regions," Square Enix said in a statement on its corporate website.
Two earthquakes, magnitudes 5.4 and 7.3, rocked Kumamoto last week, killing at least 29 people and injuring more than a thousand others, according to GameSpot sister site CBS News.
Because the earthquakes' epicenters were reportedly relatively shallow, they produced shaking and damage that was more severe than what might happen with a more traditional earthquake.
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