Saturday, April 23, 2016

Small Richter in Crete but it fits all prognosis!

We specifically mentioned Greece and Crete Specifically in yesterday's post. Not a significant earthquake, but it came when we were expecting it. It also coincided with the CO increase in the neighborhood of Agios Nikolaos. In short success!
This is yestrday's CO emission in the epicentre neighbourhood,
and this is CO emissions today 23-April-2016, much nearer to the epicentre.
NOTE: Addition on 24th April-2016:
This morning (after the small earthquake, the CO levels in Crete are back to normal, the CO concentration has disappeared, see the next map. Near Agios Nikolaos the levels are
35.11° N, 25.88° E 255° @ 8 km/h  148 ppbv

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