Friday, April 22, 2016

New powerful earthquake strikes Ecuador

Apowerful earthquake measuring 6.0 magnitude struck off Ecuador's disaster-stricken coast on Thursday, as survivors of an earlier deadly quake that killed 587 people clamored for food, water and medicine in parts of the disaster zone.
Prelim M6.0 earthquake near the coast of Ecuador Apr-22 03:03 UTC, updates 

The latest quake's epicentre was 100km (62 miles) north-northwest of Portoviejo and at a depth of 10km (six miles), said the US Geological Survey (USGS). 
President Rafael Correa said on Twitter that three aftershocks were registered on Thursday night, adding "have strength!"
Estamos en Bahía. Tres réplicas, dos bastante fuertes. Una con epicentro cerca de Jama, otra con epicentro cerca de Canoa. Guardar calma...

Meanwhile Cesar Navas, the security minister, reassured his compatriots that so far there is no threat of tsunami. There are no reports of damage so far.
...Personal IG dice que es normal, y que en promedio se deben esperar unas diez réplicas de esa magnitud.
On Saturday the Andean nation was struck by a 7.8-magnitude quake, the worst to hit the South American country in decades, causing hundreds of buildings to collapse and damaging roads and other key infrastructure in tourist areas.
Late Wednesday, the government raised the death toll to 570, with thousands injured and hundreds still missing.
"We're trying to survive. We need food," said Galo Garcia, a 65-year-old lawyer as he waited in line for water from a truck in beachside village of San Jacinto. "There's nothing in the shops. We're eating the vegetables we grow."
A crowd nearby chanted, "We want food."
Mr Correa's socialist government, facing a mammoth rebuilding task at a time of greatly reduced oil revenues in the OPEC nation, said there was no lack of supplies, just problems with distribution that should be quickly resolved.
The government quickly moved supplies to the main towns and set up shelters for more than 25,000 people in soccer stadiums and airports, but shattered roads have impeded the operation.
On streets near Pedernales, one of the worst-hit towns, children from rural areas held signs begging for food. Many people left villages to seek help, and those who stayed behind felt the pinch.
"All of us here have been marginalized. The others are receiving things, but we're not," said Darwin Gachila, 33, as he cradled his baby daughter, flanked by his wife and two other children in the small village of Cojimies.
A government official at a food storage point outside the town of Pedernales asked a supplicant, Jose Gregorio Basulor, 55, to stay calm. "I can be patient but not the children!" he shouted back. "They are crying."
Interior Minister Jose Serrano, speaking from an aid convoy nearby, stressed that the government was focusing on house-by-house distribution to ensure no one was overlooked.
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