Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Black Sea Earthquake and Carbon Monoxide of the Area

A small 3.3R was reported this morning in the Black Sea, in the location indicated on the above map. See below the maximum Carbon Monoxide concentration of the area.

The MAX Carbon Monoxide concentration is where the green circle is on the map. Close to the epicentre.

Magnitudemb 3.3
Date time2016-04-20 00:26:01.5 UTC
Location44.45 N ; 37.22 E
Depth5 km
Distances365 km SW of Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation / pop: 1,074,482 / local time: 03:26:01.5 2016-04-20
154 km SW of Krasnodar, Russian Federation / pop: 649,851 / local time: 03:26:01.5 2016-04-20
41 km SW of Abrau-Dyurso, Russian Federation / pop: 3,000 / local time: 03:26:01.5 2016-04-20

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