Monday, April 18, 2016

Another aftershock in Kyushu, Japan

A 5.5R came along at 11:41 UTC in Japan.

MagnitudeMw 5.5
Date time2016-04-18 11:41:59.2 UTC
Location33.00 N ; 131.08 E
Depth10 km
Distances91 km SE of Fukuoka-shi, Japan / pop: 1,392,289 / local time: 20:41:59.2 2016-04-18
39 km NE of Kumamoto-shi, Japan / pop: 680,423 / local time: 20:41:59.2 2016-04-18
25 km E of Kikuchi, Japan / pop: 26,677 / local time: 20:41:59.2 2016-04-18
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