Wednesday, April 13, 2016

5.9R in Philippines ----> As predicted!

Yet another prediction from our superb techniques! Consider we have +or- 1 day from the date stated as what we call correct prediction. We are perfectly happy with this prediction.
MagnitudeMw 5.9
Date time2016-04-13 18:21:55.2 UTC
Location7.84 N ; 122.21 E
Depth40 km
Distances256 km W of Budta, Philippines / pop: 1,273,715 / local time: 02:21:55.2 2016-04-14
235 km W of Cotabato, Philippines / pop: 179,433 / local time: 02:21:55.2 2016-04-14
104 km N of Zamboanga, Philippines / pop: 457,623 / local time: 02:21:55.2 2016-04-14
36 km W of Titay, Philippines / pop: 11,468 / local time: 02:21:55.2 2016-04-14
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