Wednesday, April 13, 2016

5.6R in BOLIVIA Just reported!

I dont do Bolivia, but this event has just been reported!
MagnitudeML 5.6
Date time2016-04-13 20:01:58.2 UTC
Location20.94 S ; 66.62 W
Depth236 km
Distances254 km SW of Sucre, Bolivia, Plurinational State of / pop: 224,838 / local time: 16:01:58.2 2016-04-13
175 km SW of Potosí, Bolivia, Plurinational State of / pop: 141,251 / local time: 16:01:58.2 2016-04-13
40 km W of Atocha, Bolivia, Plurinational State of / pop: 1,833 / local time: 16:01:58.2 2016-04-13
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