Saturday, April 16, 2016

4.7R in CRETE! ---->as predicted!

I was expectingt this one all day yesterday but it came 5 minutes on the wrong side of my window! However Greece got another one 4.0R yesterday so I consider this a hit in my predictions. I think Greece was lucky yesterday as Japan got the brunt and the system got steamed off. Be Safe!

Magnitudemb 4.7
Date time2016-04-16 00:10:40.0 UTC
Location34.78 N ; 25.73 E
Depth10 km
Distances398 km SE of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16
81 km SE of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16
46 km S of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16
26 km S of Ierápetra, Greece / pop: 12,536 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16
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