Friday, April 29, 2016

4.7R in China.

A strong 4.7R earthquake came just now in China. Our prediction calendar shows a peak yesterday, we got one yestreday but slightly smaller size. Today it is stronger and let us hope no more to come, as we are within our +-1 day window.

Magnitudemb 4.7
Date time2016-04-29 04:36:41.7 UTC
Location39.77 N ; 74.12 E
Depth60 km
Distances347 km S of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan / pop: 900,000 / local time: 10:36:41.7 2016-04-29
139 km SE of Osh, Kyrgyzstan / pop: 200,000 / local time: 10:36:41.7 2016-04-29
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