Monday, April 25, 2016

4.5 R offshore Coquimbo, CHILE. (As predicted)

Just Reported a 4.5R offshore Chile. We were expecting it today, so you were informed first, see here.Let us hope there will be no further events there.

Magnitudemb 4.5
Date time2016-04-25 14:01:46.9 UTC
Location32.15 S ; 71.87 W
Depth22 km
Distances185 km NW of Santiago, Chile / pop: 4,837,295 / local time: 11:01:46.9 2016-04-25
101 km N of Valparaíso, Chile / pop: 282,448 / local time: 11:01:46.9 2016-04-25
69 km NW of La Ligua, Chile / pop: 24,857 / local time: 11:01:46.9 2016-04-25
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