Sunday, March 6, 2016

State involvement in earthquake insurance is a scam

As I read “Legislature considers two bills on earthquake insurance reforms” (Business, Feb. 26), I felt like I must be living in the twilight zone. It said state Sen. Clark Jolley submitted a bill for us to be able to “buy” earthquake insurance from the state.  On the surface this might sound like a good idea, except the people wanting to sell us insurance are the same people who approved the procedure that's causing the earthquakes. 
If the state is so concerned about damage to my property, then why is it asking me to buy insurance instead of asking the oil companies, which are injecting saltwater into the ground, to provide a “contingency fund” to repair the damage caused by their practices.? If established, this account would be funded by all the oil companies that have injected waste water into the ground in Oklahoma and managed by someone such as the state treasurer. This scam should answer any question you might have as to why Donald Trump is doing as well as he is!
Donald D. Meyer, Yukon
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