Thursday, March 3, 2016

Planetary alignments 9th-Mar-2016 -SOLAR ECLIPSE

On 9th March 2016 we have some strong planetary alignments as shown by the animation below: Only 3 planets are NOT involved. The biggest player is JUPITER being from now RETROGRADE! (Astrologically also in Pisces, in poor shape) So I expect some strong activity during this period. The earth is being pulled by Jupiter and Saturn, and this should cause some tremours.

 As we can also see from the geocentric view of the chart below, the Solar Eclipse at 18 Pisces, conjunct South Node, is OPPOSITE Jupiter. What is making things worse in my view is also the fact that the Eclipse is SQUARE Saturn. This is gunpoder combination and lets hope that this daily event around the 9th March are somewhere remote from population. It seems to me the near presense of NEPTUNE to the eclipse may show that some activty on the day may well be underwater. Lets hope the rest is far from people.
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