Friday, March 25, 2016


In the chart above we can see the 6R+ earthquakes in the NEPAL REGION (one is in China) since 2004. No particular reason for the year, just arbitrary. We have encircled them in order to be more visible as our software shows yellow the 6R+ earthquakes. We will show you here what nobody else has shown you, that all those earthquakes are linked with Fibonacci Numbers, geographically, i.e. their location. Here is what we do. Let us look at the following map.
What we have done in the above map is to take the two earthquakes shown by arrows, (yellow dots visible) and draw a line between them as shown in the map. Now let us add another line parallel to it, as shown in the map below, but the line is through another beaby earthquake location as shown by another arrow, (near Katmandu). So We now have two lines as shown, in parallel. The distance between the lines we can call it 'seed', or unit distance. We can use this distance and create fibonacci lines.
In the map below we show you the Fibonacci Lines (automatically done by the software). The lines use the seed distance as described above, and the distance between the lines is now 1,(seed),2,3,5,8,13. So we have 6 lines plus the seed line all together 7 lines. The red arrows show lines 1, 3, and 13. You can see all earthquakes fall on those lines.
Finally in the chart below you can just clearly see the whole process.
  •  We draw the line AB, marked as 1, between the thwo earthquakes (the lowest on the map). 
  • Draw the line CD via the next earthquake (actually there are two there next to each other). The two parallel lines AB and CD form the seed distance.
  • Create now a set of FIBONACCI LINES, as marked 1,2,3,5,8,13. 
  • You can see all the significant earthquakes fall on the Fibonacci Lines!!!!! 
  • Be Safe Be Good Be Happy!

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