Thursday, March 31, 2016

NEPAL: Earthquake Predictions for APRIL 2016

It is the first time to our knowledge that a published research-based technique is used as a systematic predicting tool for earthquakes. Our methods are experimental hence we test them in real time and we will be publishing our predictions regularly. Please note the disclaimer at the end. We expect an accuracy for the prediction of +-1 day. 

In the following diagram we can see for NEPAL Earthquake predictions during the period of April 2016.

For this period we observe that there is a MEDIUM-HIGH* probability to have any earthquake >4R in the region of NEPAL, for 7th and  on 24th April 2016.

You can read our methodology here.

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  1. Damn! It happened. On 9 April. 4.5R

  2. I have been following this website from the beginning , when it started predicting Nepal EQ, it always falls in between 2 days ups n down, like this month they predicted 7th, so i was hoping it will come around 5-9, which is true, it is true from the beginning.

  3. You're good. I hope this technique prevents future earthqake disasters from taking lives of so many people as it has in the past

  4. Is there a science to predict the earthquake ? If yes, when it was started ?
    What is the difference between prediction and forecasting the earthquake occurance ?

    1. See our published work. In our methodology, you can see a typical paper the method of which we use here.

  5. Your predictions are very accurate.thanks for the informations . Kindly keep predicting for nepal.
    The climate is getting very hot , will this have any affect on the earthquake.
