Friday, March 4, 2016

Church digs deep to help Nepalese families

Kirsten Oswald MP has submitted an Early Day Motion in Parliament to commend the work of churches across Scotland participating in the Let’s Build a House, project.

The initiative has been taken up by locals in Neilston Parish Church who are fundraising to build new homes for Nepalese people affected by the earthquake that struck on 25 April 2015.
With over 8,000 fatalities and over six million families rendered homeless, there are still one million people seeing out winter in temporary shelters at altitudes of over 1,500 metres.
Each Church of Scotland congregation has been tasked with raising the sum of £500, enough to build a house for a Nepalese family.
Kirsten Commented: “I congratulate parishioners across Scotland, who have taken up the challenge to 
raise money for those suffering the loss of their homes in Nepal.
The effects of this tragedy are still being felt nearly a year later, and whilst government aid has helped immensely, such is the scale of the 
destruction that we must 
continue to help where we can.
“It is heartening to see the community of Neilston rallying round to help, and it is testament to the community spirit that they want to support others across the world in this way.”
Nepali minister Rev Ram Kumar Budhathoki, who 
survived the earthquake, spoke at the 2015 General Assembly, telling how terrified his family had felt and how people in the country had been affected.

After hearing his 
story, commissioners 
moved to support the World Mission Council’s partner in Nepal, the United Mission to Nepal.
Rev Iain Cunningham, Convener of the World 
Mission Council said:“We are grateful to all Presbyteries, congregations and others who have responded to the challenge of raising funds to help rebuild the lives of the Nepali people.”
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