Thursday, March 3, 2016

Analysis of 7.9 R earthquake in Indonesia on 2nd March 2016

The most powerful earthquake in Indonesia, yesterday was a lucky escape as it occured in the ocean far enough not to cause any reported casualties. We can be grateful for that. Let us see now some planetary aspect linked with this event. Below is a chart from EMSC showing the epicentre.
Let us also lok at the following chart which is a Heliocentric chart showing a number of key planets. We can see on the day, the Earth and Jupiter are trine with Venus Mercury and Pluto. At the same time SATURN is Square Neptune. I think this specific aspect caused the Earthquake to happen in the sea.
Next we look at the GEOCENTRIC view, with centre the earth.At the time of the earthquake the Moon is conjunct Saturn, energizing anything that is connected to Saturn. Saturn is square the Sun and Neptune. but also has a nice trine to Uranus. Jupiter retrograde conunct South Node quincunx Uranus make Uranus not very comfortable, upseting the fields and the Moon triggered trine aspect with Saturn is not a nice one. Neptune conjunct Sun pushes the earthquake location in the sea.

Astrocartography is a way of locating earthquakes. Take note where the earthquake happened, the red circle in the first chart. Now have a look at the next chart, where the concentrations of planet orbit projections in Indonesia. .Note that Jupiter Saturn, South Node and the trigger Moon are very cose to the epicentre!No wonder it got triggered there.

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