Tuesday, March 29, 2016

5.1R in Indonesia ---->As predicted here.

The Indonesia earthquake window is open peaking tomorrow. This is also confirmed by the TEC count. However we have predicted this earthquake and lets hope its the only one as tomorow is high probability day too for Indonesia.
Magnitudemb 5.1
Date time2016-03-29 06:24:47.6 UTC
Location2.84 S ; 102.26 E
Depth158 km
Distances277 km W of Palembang, Indonesia / pop: 1,441,500 / local time: 13:24:47.6 2016-03-29
106 km N of Bengkulu, Indonesia / pop: 309,712 / local time: 13:24:47.6 2016-03-29
76 km NW of Curup, Indonesia / pop: 46,245 / local time: 13:24:47.6 2016-03-29
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