Wednesday, March 9, 2016

5.0R in Chile---->As predicted

Lets hope this is it for Chile but it is early...As predicted in here...
MagnitudeM 5.0
Date time2016-03-09 13:28:13.1 UTC
Location30.52 S ; 71.17 W
Depth43 km
Distances329 km N of Santiago, Chile / pop: 4,837,295 / local time: 10:28:13.1 2016-03-09
68 km S of La Serena, Chile / pop: 154,521 / local time: 10:28:13.1 2016-03-09
9 km N of Ovalle, Chile / pop: 77,138 / local time: 10:28:13.1 2016-03-09
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