Sunday, January 3, 2016

The PAST as a guide to the FUTURE: Here comes 2016, the DAWN of MODERN DARK AGES!

What a set up for 2016! Often people wish to know what comes next! Will this be a good year? When we look at the year ahead, it is the outter planets which set up the scene, forming the solid background and the framework within which we operate. The background is, what is not going to change but it will be modulated by the inner planetary frequent variation. The inner planets are transients compared to the strong flavour of the outter planetary combination. This coming year therefore worth looking what is out there for us to be aware of and to understand  what is not going to change. We note the outter planets of influence today we observe Saturn places within Sagittarius, Jupiter is in Virgo and Pisces hosts Neptune and South Node and Pluto are rooted in Capricorn, and finally Uranus is in Aries.

Let us look at the major aspects in time involving those planets which will give us the mood of the background. We  have the following major aspects coming up for 2016 grouped together when they appear close together which when studied reveal what the coming year is likely to be on the background, in other words in what environment the ordinary person will operate and try to survive.
  • Jupiter Station Rx on January 7th. (23 deg. Virgo)
  • A Solar Eclipse on March 8th (18 deg Pisces)
  • A Lunar Eclipse on March 23rd (3 deg. Aries)
  • On March 23rd also Saturn is square Jupiter.  This aspect is powerful as only two days afterwards Saturn is station! Tug of war here.
  • Saturn Station Rx on 25th March (16 deg. Sagittarious). Not to be outsmarted Jupiter now goes station
  • Jupiter Station Dir on May 9th (13 deg. Virgo) followed by another square with the enemy...
  • Jupiter Saquare Saturn on 26 May (13 deg. Sagittarius)
  • Saturn Square Neptune on 17h June (12 deg. Sagittarius)
  • Lunar Eclipse 18th August (25 deg. Leo/Aquar.)
  • Solar Eclipse 1st September (9 deg. Virgo)
  • Pluto Station Dir 26th Sept. (14 deg. Capricorn) and the same day
  • Saturn Square North Node 26th September (15 deg. Capricorn)
  • Uranus Trine Saturn on Xmas Day, 25th December (20 deg. Aries)
  • Uranus Opposition Jupiter 26th December (20 deg. Aries)
  • Uranus station dir. on 29th December (20 deg. Aries) 
Saturn Square Jupiter can be viewed as the battle betwen authority and religion. This theme will be accentuated this year notably TWICE, once in March and another in May! (see red highlight).
The war on ISIS maybe a likely thread on this, a continuation on what we have seen so far. The Syrian conflict will continue therefore this year, focusing first in March and the other in May. Both tensions follow a Jupiter Station event, which may be thought of as the uncompromising stand of  ISIS. Saturn represents cold hardh realities challenges military, authority Social status, and discipline. In Sagittarius the sign of foreign countries religious philosphy, and intellectual persuit of knowledge. Saturn in Sagittarious can brings religious fanatism.  .
Saturn square Neptune on 17th June, is the next highlight. Neptune has no structure no foundations just beliefs, faith,  feelings imagination dreams, anything that is out of reality. A collision between Saturns reality and Neptune's faith religion, imagination illisions. This is again a highlight of 2016. Some things which conform to this aspect are, changes in governemnt, money supply, emotional depression drugs alcohol, fundamntalism, spiritual changes in medical cures, Changes in weather on a large scale, as mentioned in previous post, global warming effects, the price of oil, and changes in governemnts. 
The anihilated changes are to be seen also when Pluto is station, on 26th September, with depressive effects. Finally Uranus comes to play at the end of the year, as at the beginning of the year. Trining Saturn can mean innovations galore with new exciting products, and since it is in Aries, I hope it is not weapons!!!! 
As above so is below they used to say. So looking back if we find the same skies as we have today, we may learn from what was below.......So this is my next effort. Searching to find similar sky patterns,

we can identify another period of interesting similarity to our times. The nearest best fit period is year 545.
The skies of July 9th 545 as shown below are very similar. A difference was that Uranus was in Libra instead, but South Node is also in Pisces. The other major outter planets are in the same signs as they are today. Therefore, it remains to see what happened then and let you draw the parallels. The era therefore we concentrate here is the Byzantine Era, with Justino Emperor. During this period briefly,
the army grew larger, and with his General Belisarius he undrtood wars which expanded the empire all the way to Spain, but alas the increaded 'globalisation' of trade from Asia, Africa, brought deseases. The Bubonic Plague afflicted drastically the empire. Over 50 million people got killed or nearly half the entire population of the continent. Trade throughout the empire became disrupted. There was increased immigration. In particular, the agricultural sector was devastated. Less people meant fewer farmers who produced less grain causing prices to soar and tax revenues to decline. The near collapse of the economic system did not dissuade Justinian from demanding the same level of taxes from his decimated population. In his determination to recreate the former might of the Roman Empire, the emperor continued to wage wars against the Goths in Italy and the Vandals at Carthage lest his empire disintegrate. The emperor also remained committed to a series of public work and church construction projects in the capital including the building of the Hagia Sophia.Procopius reported in his Secret History of nearly 10,000 deaths per day afflicting Constantinople. His accuracy has been questioned by modern historians who estimate 5,000 deaths per day in the capital city. Nonetheless, 20-40% of the inhabitants of Constantinople would eventually perish from the disease. Throughout the rest of the empire, nearly 25% of the population died with estimates ranging from 25-50 million people in total. 

During this period there were military innovations as well.
  • Counterweight trebuchet:
  • Hand-trebuchet:
  • Greek fire:
  • Incendiary grenade:
  • Flamethrower:
 (see wikipedia for detail)


Finally to give you a final flavour of the year, below we have a chart of the nearest in time similarity in the skies, and it is year 1281. (Note the reference for invation of SYRIA!!!!)
Looking back in history we find some highlights of that period as follows:

1281 - During Kublai Khan's 2nd Invasion of Japan his invading Chinese fleet of 3,500 vessels disappears in a typhoon near Japan.
A large Mongol fleet made up of two separate forces—one setting out from Masan (Korea) and the other sailing from southern China—with a combined force of 4,400 vessels and some 140,000 soldiers and sailors. The two fleets joined up near Hakata Bay, again the main point of attack, on Aug. 12, 1281. On August 15, as they were about to assault the much smaller Japanese forces defending the island (about 40,000 samurai and other fighting men), a massive typhoon hit, wrecking the Mongol fleet and once again foiling the invasion attempt. The invading forces suffered tremendous casualties, with at least half the Mongol warriors drowning and all but a few hundred ships from the fleet perishing during the storm. Most of the men who survived the storm were hunted down and killed by the samurai over the following days. Only a small fraction of Kublai Khan’s original force returned home from this ill-fated expedition, one of the largest and most disastrous attempts at a naval invasion in history.
Literally meaning “divine wind,” the term kamikaze was coined in honour of the 1281 typhoon, as it was perceived to be a gift from the gods, supposedly granted after a retired emperor went on a pilgrimage and prayed for divine intervention. 
  • Kublai Khan orders the burning of sacred Taoist texts, resulting in the reduction in number of volumes of the Daozang (Taoist Canon) from 4,565 to 1,120.
  • The Mon kingdom of Haripunchai falls as its capital Lamphun (in present-day Thailand) is captured by King Mangrai's Lannathai kingdom.
Middle East
  • October 29 – Second Battle of Homs: Mamluk sultan Qalawun defeats an invasion of Syria by Mongol Ilkhan Abaqa Khan.
  • Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire, becomes bey of the Sögüt tribe in central Anatolia; in 1299 he will declare independence from the Seljuk Turks, marking the birth of the Ottoman Empire.
  • An offensive by the Byzantine Empire significantly reduces the size of the Kingdom of Albania, as it recaptures land seized from the Despotate of Epirus by Charles I of Sicily 10 years earlier.


  • Pope Martin IV authorizes a Crusade against the newly re-established Byzantine Empire in Constantinople; French and Venetian expeditions set out toward Constantinople but are forced to turn back in the following year.
  • July – Niccolò Bonsignori heads a hundred of Ghibelline exiles in a failed attempt to topple the Sienese government.

Well whatever year is best suited to 2016, one thing is clear. The similar years analysed above, have a common theme. 
  •  Wars
  • Desease
  • Bad Weather
  • Loss of population
  • Globalisation
  • Innovation
  • Hardship in Agriculture.
May this year be better than the last one.
Be Happy be Safe Be Good!

Source Wikipedia.
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