Saturday, January 30, 2016

Global Earthquake predictions for February 2016.

It is the first time to our knowledge that a published research-based technique is used as a systematic predicting tool for earthquakes. Our methods are experimental hence we test them in real time and we will be publishing our predictions regularly. Please note the disclaimer at the end. We expect an accuracy for the prediction of +-1 day. 

In the following diagram we can see Global Earthquake predictions for February 2016 using a brand new method we thing is better and we are in the process of publishing it....Note that you should also cross check this chart with our LOCAL PREDICTIONS if you wish to home in further on the earthquake location. Furthermore you also must consider the planetary alignment posts we do We do many countries and if there is enough requests we may do others we do not do as they also enhance the onset of earthquakes, so keep an eye on planetary alignment posts . right now due to excessive work load. Finally we will also issue soon the February Earthquake prediction Bulletin.

For this period we observe that there is a HIGH* probability to have an earthquake >6R somewhere in the world on  7th  14th, 16th and smaller 24th February.

The probability Scales are as follows:
*SMALL (<40%) MEDIUM (40-60%) and HIGH (>60%)

 You can read our methodology here.


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