Monday, January 4, 2016

4.3R in Greece ---->As predicted

A 4.3R was reported in Greece 20km off Lixouri where it is known to be a hotspot of late for strong earthquakes. We predicted the date in here. Vitsit this link to see for yourself. As you know we have no time to do predictions for every place in world. If you have enough support we can try to accommodate your request. Anyway we got this right off by a few hours, well within our window of prediction of +-1 day. Below we add for clarity the January prediction for Greece.

MagnitudeML 4.3
Date time2016-01-04 07:21:43.6 UTC
Location38.30 N ; 20.24 E
Depth2 km
Distances307 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 09:21:43.6 2016-01-04
131 km W of Pátra, Greece / pop: 163,360 / local time: 09:21:43.6 2016-01-04
25 km NW of Argostólion, Greece / pop: 9,820 / local time: 09:21:43.6 2016-01-04
20 km NW of Lixoúrion, Greece / pop: 3,758 / local time: 09:21:43.6 2016-01-04
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