Thursday, December 24, 2015

X-mas Spirit

As we are very much entering Xmas Day here is a quick overview of the stars above. As above so is below used to say the Masters of Astrology, the planets set up the mood of the frame we operate.Herewith I lay out the chart of 25th December 2015. The highlight of the DAY as we posted earlier is the Full Moon as this is happening on Xmas day after well over 30 years, in 1977, when we had Full Moon also on Xmas Day. The Moon is strong in Cancer so no arguments here..Emotions are high .....What about the rest? Here we have Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn in Sagitarius, and Jupiter in Virgo. This is in my opinion a catch 22. Here how it goes. Mercury is ruled by Saturn, which is ruled by Jupiter, which is ruled by Mercury. This is endless spiral. This is not going to change before January 4th a little when Mercury enters Aquarius, not so much on the rulership, as Saturn is rulling Mercury but Uranus is entering the picture approaching a trine with Saturn making things easier. Lots of Electronic/Electrical type innovation because of this aspect this year. (Maybe Energy related/Information?). However The Square of Saturn with Neptune enters into play and peaking in September 2016 together with South Node conjunct Neptune brings continuation of fear, superstition, and suspition in the world and bad weather. I guess it is very much a war at the moment on who is controlling whom in an untrustworthy environment is the broad picture of the days ahead and what brings us this year. We are in the middle of it and best advise is to take care of yourself in order to survive hopefully into better days. Mars to make things worse is entering a square very soon actually in a few days accentuating war to Mercury. So this Xmas we MUST watch out arguments. There are are going to be plenty. So hard as it maybe watch out NOT to get caught into arguments. Nobody wins.......Wishing you all the Best for Xmas and Be Healthy Be Good Be Safe.

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