Wednesday, December 9, 2015

World-changing earthquake to 'hit US' in TWO days claims 'seismic psychic'

By Jon Austin:

Online doomsday prophets claim we are gearing up for significant earthquake activity, but one predictor - who claims to have accurately foreseen five of the biggest quakes this year - has issued warning videos on YouTube that a big one will strike on December 11 or 12 - Friday or Saturday.

Frank Hoogerbeets, from the Netherlands, who posts videos on the Ditrianum YouTube channel, appears convinced it is coming and fears the south coast of Oregon in the US is at risk.

Mr Hoogerbeets claims to have accurately predicted the 7.5 magnitude Hindu Kush earthquake that left around 400 people dead in Pakistan and Afganisthan on October 26.

At the time of that alleged prediction, he warned if it happened, a more severe quake was likely at the end of the year.

Posting alongside his latest video warning, he wrote: "A large earthquake is indeed going to strike on December 11 or 12, 2015. 

"Chances are that we will enter a period of enormous changes on the planet and that the world will never be the same again."

Mr Hoogerbeets now claims to have accurately forewarned of five big quakes this year:

•April 25 M7.8 Nepal

•May 30 M7.8 Bonin Islands

•September 16 M8.3 Chile

•October 26 M7.5 Afghanistan

•November 24 M7.6 Peru

So should we be worried by this?

Well, if it is any consolation, Mr Hoogerbeets has also given a number of warnings that have not materialised, including the much publicised mega quake he warned of being about to hit California in May - it never did.

He also warned of a large quake due from October 11 to 14 which never materialised.

And the forecaster relies on messages from spirits, crop circle formations, planetary alignments, and so-called "key Earth dates" in order to predict when one will strike - techniques that have no scientific backing or substance.

He has also become vaguer in terms of location since the Californian blunder in the spring.

However, he contacted to warn of this weekend's quake in a series of messages.

He said: "The next is December 11 to 12. One possible location is the south coast of Oregon."

A later message said: "Here is my final warning for December 11-12, 2015.

"A high magnitude seven earthquake around December 11 is a distinct possibility, but there could also be one or two magnitude 8-plus earthquake events on those days."

In an email on October 19, Mr Hoogerbeets had earlier warned: "Earth is now due for a series of larger earthquakes, and the longer it takes, the more critical it will be. 

"The next time-frame I expect larger earthquakes to strike will be October 25, 26 and 27. During this time several larger earthquakes may strike 

peaking magnitude 7.9, most likely in the Pacific Ocean. 

"If such an earthquake is going to occur, then it will likely be a precursor for a much bigger event at the end of this year."

On October 26 a powerful earthquake did strike northern Afghanistan, with tremors felt as far as Pakistan and India. 

Afghans in Kabul said it was the strongest earthquake they have experienced.

On November 2 he took credit for predicting the 7.7 magnitude tremor, although it did not happen in the Pacific Ocean as he had suggested. 

He later said: "We may see a magnitude eight earthquake on December 11, followed by another or even larger one on the 12.

"If it is true that crop circle T367 tries to warn us about these dates, then it is quite possible that whatever happens on October 25, may be a precursor for what will happen around December 11-12."

He said the planetary alignments that would cause this weekends activity were first revealed in a crop circle that allegedly depicted the inner solar system discovered at Cheesefoot Head, near Winchester, Hampshire, on June 26, 1995.

He said: "If the crop circle actually warns us about the end of 2015, then is it about only the events themselves or because these events will be the beginning of a series of significant earth changes? I tend to think the latter, because it would not make sense to issue a warning for some isolated events some twenty years in advance." 

He is warning anyone living in a major seismic region to be on red alert until at least Sunday, even though he readily accepts he is not always spot on.

The Ditrianum Media YouTube channel claims that planetary alignments can trigger earthquakes on Earth.

After receiving widespread ridicule for wrongly predicting a magnitude 9.8 quake would devastate California in May, Mr Hoogerbeets posted a video in which he readily admitted his theory was "not scientific".

That is a fact that the scientific community are in agreement with him over, but it seems to end there.

Astronomer Phil Plait, who writes for New Scientist, said ahead of the May prediction: "Let me be clear: No, it won't. It can't. 

"There is simply no way an alignment of planets can cause an earthquake on Earth. It's literally impossible.

"This all stems from a video by someone who I believe is sincere but also profoundly wrong on essentially every level."

Despite this, Mr Hoogerbeets said seismologists needed to take note because "whenever the three objects in our solar system lined up there was a significant earthquake anytime from the day before to one or two days afterwards."

He added: "My claim is that if seismologists learn about planetary influences they may raise the alarm in time, saving thousands of lives.

"Even though I was widely ridiculed for the May forecast, I accurately forecasted the magnitude 8.3 earthquake in Chile on September 16, even though it was even larger than I anticipated."
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