Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Predictions for 2016: Old Moore's Almanack has new year knowledge

Predictions for 2016: Old Moore's Almanack has new year knowledge

Almost everyone would like to be able to see into the future and know what's to come.
Over the centuries, in times of crisis, mankind has sought support and meaning from astrological predictions.
And every year for more than four centuries a curious publication has claimed to be able to predict just that. Old Moore's Almanack, started as a weather forecast written in 1697 by physician and astrologer Dr Francis Moore.
In 1700 he published Vox Stellarum, a collection of predictions hugely popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Published annually as Old Moore's Almanack, it predicts everything from world events to the best dates for successful angling and everybody's lottery lucky numbers.
The 2016 edition is peppered with adverts for clairvoyancy, talismans and cosmic powers. "harness the power of Angel magic to revolutionise your life" says the back page. "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!" a "Leading Indian Psychic" promises to advise on love, jobs and immigration and there is a page on the best time to plant vegetables.
Alongside is a list of agricultural fairs and significant events from the Queen's 90th Birthday to Glastonbury Festival and Cheltenham Gold Cup.
But the most significant part is the prediction of world events to come – here is a selection:
Criminals may be brought to justice for crimes committed long ago, and there is a revolution in the air in the USA with a possibility that armed clashes could break out on the streets.


There may be a crisis in the NHS with the annual problems experienced in the winter "especially extreme". The Israeli Government could fall.


The US Navy will take on pirates off west Africa, volcanoes will erupt on the Pacific rim, and the housing market will benefit from changes to planning regulations.


The new moon predicts UK political upheaval, the fall of the Greek government and reform of drug and alcohol laws.


There is discontent in the east of Germany, and a major financial scandal in the UK. An international airline will go bust.

The French will invade Libya, and in politics there will be corruption muddle and chaos, with "senior figures" exposed for incompetence. The weather will be thundery during Glastonbury Festival.


There will be flooding and a prominent MP will switch parties


The US will be in action in Afghanistan, and sex scandals could rock Westminster. It will be hot, but will rain occasionally.


This month Old Moore predicts a religious war, and Greece will leave the Euro, and ally with Russia.


China will renew growth, and there is a danger of nuclear accidents. 


Old Moore can't predict the result of the US election but says the new administration will take the country into an idealistic direction. Libya will split into two countries.

Old Moore ends the year saying there is a risk of terror attacks, another nuclear accident and Egypt will intervene in Libya. It will snow at Christmas.
And finally...
And most importantly the winner of the c may be a non-favourite nine-year-old with a 10st 6lb weight.

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