Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christchurch: The Man-Made Earthquakes - Is there any truth in this or such articles?

It is believed that the motive for the attack was financial greed. The Rothschild cartel (the article  claims) used the military industrial complex to target the Central Business District of Christchurch, the area with the highest land values as a method of releasing stored fundst is believed that the motive for the attack was financial greed. The Rothschild cartel used the military industrial complex to target the Central Business District of Christchurch, the area with the highest land values as a method of releasing stored funds.
Prior to the Christchurch Earthquake New Zealand was the least indebted nation of the western world. Increasing Government debt driving wealth back into corrupt insurance cartels of the City of London and other financial institutions of the world was done at the expense of the people of New Zealand.

The motive of greed meant the destruction of the city was planned meticulously. Little thought was given in regards to any rebuild.

Corrupt banking cartels privately bought up the most profitable part of the reconstruction process, the project management companies like Fletchers, in advance of the Earthquake occurring......

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