Saturday, November 21, 2015

Οnly a matter of time before we get a big one

By Leslie Rangel:
OKLAHOMA - The number one place in the world for earthquakes.

They shake, rattle and roll the state, never knowing when another will hit.

Now, research said it's only a matter of time before we get a big one that will change life for those of us living here.

We've all gotten used to seeing the shaking now.

"Underneath any of these urban areas, whether it's Stillwater, Cushing, Oklahoma City, Guthrie, these cities are not built to seismic standards. They're not in L.A." said Todd Halihan, an OSU hydrogeophysics professor who studies earthquakes.

No high-rises and condos here in Oklahoma.

We have more small, rural Oklahoma houses built in the 30s.

"Nobody is built for this type of catastrophe," said Jackie Dill, an earthquake victim.

The residents said they don't have faith in the state

"I don't know what I'd say, because I think they're bought and paid for, except for the Harold Hamm," Dill said. "I want you to come to my home and stand inside when a 4.5 hits it and tell me how safe you feel."

Researchers think one as high as a magnitude 7 quake could rock our state.

"It's a nightmare," Dill said. "And, I think a lot of Oklahomans don't want to think about it."

So, how soon will the big one hit?

The answer is alarming for residents and researchers.
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