Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Vanuatu 7.1 R Earthquake as Predicted !!

On 18th October 2015 just a few post back we posted that we expected that a >6R was due by the end of 20th October time window. We  also stated that the planetary alignments were right for it. Sure enough we got 7.1R late yesterday. Furthermore if you look at the Global calendar above you can clearly see the expected increase of activity spike at the stated dates.
Here is another demonstration of the power of our techniques.

It follows a copy of what we posted

Sunday, October 18, 2015

20th October Planetary alignments are enough to cause an earthquake 6R

The following animation shows the planetary alignments from the end of the day of 19th October to the next day 20th October. This alignment is enough to cause a 6R earthquake. To support this see also the Global calendar for October, which shows an increased peak.

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