Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 20 - 21: Orionid Meteor Shower Peak

Illustration image

In 2015, the Orionid meteor shower will be visible from October 2 to November 7. The shower is expected to peak on the night of October 20 and 21.

When Can I See the Orionids?

Orionids tend to be active every year in the month of October, usually peaking around October 20. At its peak, up to 20 meteors are visible every hour.
The best time to view the Orionids is just after midnight and right before dusk.
Sunrise and Sunset in my City
The Draconids also peak in this month, usually around October 7 or 8.


Dust From Halley's Comet

The Orionid meteor shower is one of two meteor showers created by debris from Comet Halley. The Eta Aquarids in May is the second meteor shower created by debris left by Comet Halley.
Halley takes around 76 years to make a complete revolution around the Sun. It will next be visible from Earth in 2061.


Where Can I See the Orionids?

It's called Orionids because the meteors seem to emerge or radiate from the constellation Orion.
A first quarter Moon will make this meteor shower easy to see in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. While you can easily see a shooting star looking straight up, the table below shows the exact direction of the Orionids from your location.


Location in the sky tonight

NOTE: Table below changes every day to show the coming night's location
Orionid meteor shower for Athens (Night between 21 Οκτ and 22 Οκτ)
Τετ 11:00 μμ71°East-northeast0,3°
Πέμ 12:00 πμ80°East11,3°
Πέμ 1:00 πμ89°East23,1°
Πέμ 2:00 πμ98°East34,9°
Πέμ 3:00 πμ110°East-southeast46,4°
Πέμ 4:00 πμ126°Southeast56,8°
Πέμ 5:00 πμ152°South-southeast64,7°
Πέμ 6:00 πμ187°South66,9°
Πέμ 7:00 πμ220°Southwest62,1°
Direction to see the Orionid in the sky:
  • Azimuth is the direction, based on true north, a compass might show a slightly different value.
  • Altitude is height in degrees over horizon.

Set your location

How to Watch Meteor Showers

  • Check the weather: Meteors, or shooting stars, are easy to spot, all you need is clear skies and a pair of eyes.
  • Get out of town: Find a place as far away as possible from artificial lights
  • Prepare to wait: Bring something to sit or lie down on. Star gazing is a waiting game, so get comfortable.


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