Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Beware, Earthquakes can effect places 6000 KM far, for almost 3 weeks

According to a recent study, elastic properties and the ability to endure aggression of earth is changed even if an earthquake is observed 6000 kilometers away. Researchers stated that the earth  is a spherical ball of an interconnected and interlinked system, where any event occurring at any place has a measurable or unmeasurable effect at any other place, even if these two places differ by 6000 kilometers and if the event may be a large earthquake. These quakes are the reason behind all the major tsunamis, if the hypocentre is below water surface

Earth is a made up of tectonic plates that always keeps on moving slowly but measurably. If in any case these tectonic plates slides or strikes on any other then a big and series of earthquake is observed. The tectonic plates are on the lithosphere, the outer and the only visible  shell of the earth. There are seven major tectonic plates in mother earth namely, African plate, Antarctic plate, Eurasian plate, Indo-Australian plate, North American plate, Pacific plate and South American plate.

The  research headed by Kevin Chao, a postdoc in Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, who is  also a member of a research team led by Andrew Delorey at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Chao stated that earthquakes are in the  form of waves (known as ‘Seismic waves’) keep  on moving  to  infinity with a decreasing amplitude, starting from  the hypocentre. It’s just that the effect of these waves can be observed by a seismograph only up to 6000 kilometres. It takes almost 3 weeks for the earth to recover its elastic properties.

“When surface waves pass through, all of these properties rearrange and change. If a fault with high stress is ready to fail, it will accumulate more stresses in the fault, meaning an earthquake could occur at any time,” Chao said.


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